Whitegates parking survey – Results
At the end of 2022, we asked residents, businesses and visitors of Hilltop Road and the surrounding areas to find out if they faced any parking issues.
We had 225 people respond to the survey, of which 96 per cent were residents.
A summary of the issues people raised include:
- Parking is particularly bad on Friday afternoons and evenings and when people are visiting the nearby mosque
- Parking affects the ability of buses to get through
- Inconsiderate parking on grass verges and pavements causes issues including damage to the verges and blocking pedestrians
- Parking on bends causes obstructions
- Houses with several vehicles
- Professional vehicles (taxi, trade vans) parked on street
Next steps:
The team will now be reviewing responses to the survey, and will use these as a basis to carry out on site surveys. Once that is done, the team will produce a list of recommendations and invite residents and businesses to comment.