AGM Minutes
Minutes of ACER, The Whitegates Residents Association AGM
29th March 2023 at the Earley Home Guard Social Club at 7.45pm
The meeting began informally with welcoming, chat and refreshments from the bar. Tea and coffee were provided F.O.C. The formal proceedings began at 8:00pm.
- OPENING STATEMENT The Chairman, Tim Marsh, gave an opening statement of welcome, thanking everyone for making the effort on a wet evening, and requesting items to be covered during the meeting. Tim Marsh stated that the turnout was pleasing considering the cancellation of our Guest Speaker, Matt Rodda, and he hoped that everyone had received the Acerwhitegates GoogleGroup message concerning the cancellation which had been sent earlier that day. A table with a number of ‘freebies’ from the Police were placed on a side table for residents to help themselves.
- INTRODUCTIONS :The members of the committee present were introduced: Tim Marsh (Chairman), George Blackmore (Vice Chair), Siôn Williams (Treasurer), Graham May, Naomi Cambridge: The Councillors present were introduced: Shirley Boyt, Andy Croy. The representative from MERA (Maiden Earley Residents Association) were introduced: Colin Mair, Steve Feltham. Apologies from Jenny Carr (Minutes Secretary). Matt Rodda MP, Cllr Shahid Younis and the ETC councillors who were all at a full council meeting that evening. (Cllr Sheena Mathews called in towards the end of the AGM). Tim Marsh stated that in a phone call to Matt Rodda a week earlier, Matt had confirmed his attendance on the understanding that if a three-line whip was called he would not be able to attend the ACER meeting, but that was highly unlikely. The cancellation message and apology from Matt Rodda’s Diary Secretary was recieved at 6.35 am the day of the meeting.
- TREASURERS REPORT: The AGM formal proceedings began with the TREASURER’S REPORT.
Copies of the Treasurer’s report were available to view. The bank balance stood at £2340.44 Siôn summarized the expected costs in 2022/23 as follows:
Website: £60; Printing: £250; Meetings/hall hire: £150; Membership cards (redesigned) £33.
Membership subscriptions have increased slightly with 24 using Paypal: There was an operating deficit of £198.44 which is projected to continue at that level unless membership increased.
Clarity of membership donations will improve if the membership year is aligned with the financial year as recommended by the Treasurer. (The proposal to change the membership year is reported in Para 8 ).
The Treasurer was hopeful that the potential for increased membership would be realized if past members and other residents were offered the incentive of a colour magazine by doorstep collectors.
4.1 WORKLOAD. At ACER’s previous AGM your committee stated that due to the unfilled vacancies in the Committee, we would not be taking on as much as previous years.
Wishful thinking…..A number of issues arose which we felt deserved thorough and detailed responses, particularly surveys and questionnaires from both Wokingham Borough Council and the Government.
These related to subjects which were high up in your priorities according to ACER’s (Whitegates) Residents Survey which took place last year. The issues responded to included the WBC Parking Survey specifically for Whitegates (see update reported in Open Session), the Revised WBC proposals for the Cycleway through Whitegates, and the Governments revised Planning Reforms within the Levelling Up Bill which have the stated objective of local involvement in planning policy and decisions, down to street level.
- PARKING was noted as a favourite issue
The number of cars parked in our streets is increasing and causing problems.
- The ‘London Rules’ on no parking on pavements is going through Parliament at the moment.
One option under consideration is to include grass verges within the legislation. As it has proven almost impossible to persuade WBC Highways to remove unauthorised material and vehicles from grass verges. ACER will request our MP, Matt Rodda, to push for grass verge inclusion in the legislation.
- One of the differences between Reading and Wokingham is that when aFamily Home becomes an HMO,, Reading limit the number of tenants allowed to have Cars. There is no such Wokingham Parking Standard for HMO’s. Parking space allocation is typically 2 cars regardless of the number of tenants. This has been shown to be totally inadequate time and time again.
- Two results. 1. Unwelcome parking outside neighbours’ houses. 2. Reading overspill-tenants parking in our streets. Matt Rodda to be asked to bring up this issue at his Monthly Meeting with WBC Leader of Council –i.e. WBC Parking Standards to be revised to cover both HMO’s and Enlarged Properties (possibly as part of the new Local Plan as Parking Standards are an Annex to the Enabling Rules(MDD).
- NOTE: ACER proposals on Parking based on the quantity of bedrooms have been widely promoted. Copies were available at the meeting and are on the Acerwhitegates website.
- Street Votes One interesting aspect of the governments Planning Reforms is the drive to make decisions at a LOCAL level. This includes Mr Gove’s intention to delegate decisions on Planning Applications to the residents of the street.
We have stated in response to the Government Questionnaire that we could see this may work in communities where everybody knows each other, but this is not the case in most streets these days, particularly where properties are rented and there is a high turnover of tenants. To get an agreed view of 20% of the residents is going to be almost impossible, and what about those in the street behind who also can see the property who have no say?
ACER has suggested that instead of a Street Vote ,a consensus should be at Council Ward level, where Ward councillors should have knowledge of the area characteristics and sensitivities, and are able to consult with all residents close to the potential development. AGAIN we will ask Matt Rodda to propose decisions at Ward level as opposed to Street Level to make local decisions more viable.
b) Permitted Development Another concern ACER raised in the Planning Questionnaire was the relationship to Permitted Development.
1. In our view Permitted Development should be subservient to Local Planning Authority rules.
2. All PD plans should be submitted to Planning to ensure they comply.
ACER will ask Matt Rodda to support both changes.
c) Building Regulations. We have seen many examples of building works which do not comply with building regulations, which as we know from the Grenfell Tower example, no longer come under local government control, and are often carried out by private companies hired by the developers. We believe that the Local Planning Authority should have the power to check building works, insist on rectification, and report negligent or incompetent Building Regulations companies to an authority which has the power to fine and remove their licences. There was no mention of Building Regulation in the Planning Reforms. Perhaps there should be? Matt Rodda to be made aware of this shortcoming.
ACER finally had two long and detailed responses from WBC on concerns going back over two years
The first related to a complaint to the Chief Executive stating that we had not had replies from her departments to 7 unanswered queries on various subjects going back to 2020
The second detailed response was to a presentation originally made in 2021 to the then Executive Officer for Planning and Enforcement showing photographic evidence of recent building work which did not appear to comply with WBC’s own planning rules and guidance. (also presented to Matt Rodda, ETC Planning Committee and the current Executive member for Planning)
The replies we received were from professional Council Officials who had been delegated to respond. Although we did get meaningful replies to a few of the concerns raised, the majority of replies were ‘disappointing’ and amounted to ‘nothing we can do’, justified with a lot of words as to why a legitimate concern was not going to be taken up and resolved.
Such a ‘professional’ response was Just Not Good Enough. ACER therefore responded in writing to each of the official replies given, and copied in their bosses, the respective Executive Members responsible for each concern, our Councillors and ETC Planning Committee.
Residents may have seen new trees being planted in Bulmershe parkland. This was due to a determined group of ACER members forming FoBOS, which has now succeeded in having new trees planted in Bulmershe Park by WBC with the support of ETC and Woodley. ACER was now looking at proposing avenues of trees in existing grass verges to partly make up for the loss of trees in front gardens. They would look great and comply with Government planning policy on ‘Beautiful streets’. Important to plant the right variety –Tree roots buckling pavements and lime tree leaves spitting on cars would be unacceptable. Fortunately WBC are preparing an approved ’Palette of trees’ to help select suitable trees for different locations, which everyone would be able to access for their personal use.
ACER has provided ongoing support to EASI and ETC litter picks plus ACER initiated litter picks in Bulmershe Parkland and Town Lane including leaves and undergrowth control. Thanks to Mary Bather in particular for keeping this activity going.
Following the survey by WBC in Whitegates plus temporary flashing speed signs and monitoring strips on roads. ACER was awaiting the outcome of WBC Highways deliberations (see update reported in Open Session of the AGM). Meanwhile the ineffectiveness of the temporary reminders installed by Highways was proven by high-speed runs in Milton Road the previous night. Speedwatch volunteers are still needed to sign up on-line.
As stated last year, we are very aware that keeping residents up to date is important and we have finally got the ACERWHITEGATES Google Group up and running, To keep informed we need resident’s e-mail. If you have supplied it in the past and NOT received a reminder about the AGM we may have an error in our records SO PLEASE[i] see George before you go. Or e- mail
Now that we have the tools to keep you informed, i.e. Newsletter, Website and Google Group, it makes the need for the vacancy for a dedicated Communications Officer more important.
The most effective way to keep in touch is on the doorstep. We are looking at ways to make life easier for street representatives , which should also increase our membership. Without increasing our membership ACER will not survive.
- By forming this Residents Association, we have been noticed and listened to.
- Getting results was never going to be quick or easy, but we have made some progress and your concerns are better understood by those in authority.
- We now have the tools to communicate better with members. We are still looking for someone with the time to keep everyone up to date via our website and google group messaging system in order to be able to communicate swiftly about your concerns and to attract new supporters in order to survive.
- For ACER to function efficiently we need a full committee and more volunteer hours. There is currently an unsustainable weight on the Chairman. New committee members are required to share the work so that it is manageable for all. Key vacancies are currently: Secretary and Communications Officer.
At this point in the process all the Committee stood down as required by the Constitution and Mary Bather took over as AGM Chair to oversee the Election of the new Committee. It was stated that all existing members of the Committee were prepared to stand for re- election.
- ELECTION OF OFFICERS(Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary)
- CHAIR: Tim Marsh was proposed by Graham May and seconded by George Blackmore. Graham May was proposed by Mina Marsh and seconded by Grant Kelly, but declined to stand. As there were no other proposals for Chair Tim Marsh was duly elected.
- VICE CHAIR: George Blackmore was proposed by Tim Marsh and seconded by Sion Williams. As there were no other proposals for Vice-Chair, George Blackmore was duly elected.
- TREASURER: Sion Williams was proposed by Naomi Cambridge and seconded by Mina Marsh. As there were no other proposals for Chair Sion Williams was duly elected.
- SECRETARY: There were no nominations for Secretary. This post therefore remains vacant.
- Previous committee members Jenny Carr, Naomi Cambridge and Graham May were proposed by Brenda Cutler and seconded by George Blackmore. There were no objections,so Jenny Carr, Naomi Cambridge and Graham May were duly elected.
- Neville Sibley offered to join the Committee. Neville was proposed by Mary Bather and seconded by Nicky Williams. There were no objections so Neville Sibley was duly elected. Delight was expressed by the meeting that Neville had joined the Committee.
- APPOINTMENT OF SCRUTINEER. Malcolm MacDonald was proposed by Tim Marsh and seconded by Graham May. He was duly elected unanimously with no abstentions.
At this point in the proceedings, Tim Marsh thanked Mary Bather for overseeing the Elections and chaired the rest of the meeting.
- PROPOSAL TO CHANGE MEMBERSHIP YEAR from July to coincide with ACER financial year at the end of January.
This had been recommended by the Treasurer to align subscription payments with the accounting year and clarify to members which year they paid in. This was Proposed by Eric Ayers, seconded Shirley Boyt and carried unanimously.
- PROPOSAL: TO HAVE A COLOUR MAGAZINE in place of three Newsletters.
- The Colour Magazine would be produced three times a year
- The Colour Magazine would only be distributed to paid-up members
- The magazine will be produced by MERA and include content from ACER
- The ACER Newsletter would still be produced Annually for distribution to all 1600 households in Whitegates
- ACER needs to increase membership anyway in order to break even. To have a colour magazine three times a year has the potential to have more residents join ACER.
- The Committee suggested that if voted in, it would be reviewed at the next AGM
- This proposal was subject to Approval by MERA at their AGM in May.
- A joint MERA/ACER sub committee would be formed to agree a revised format
- Summer and Autumn ACER newsletters would still be printed in 2023 and distributed in their current form
- The first joint issue magazine would be ready for distribution in late October if approved by both ACER and MERA AGM’s.
- Samples of previous magazine issues had been distributed to attendees
Steve Feltham, the MERA secretary addressed the meeting and stated that the magazine was valued by the residents in Maiden Earley and was seen as tangible value for their subscription. Steve stated that they had recently expanded their area and in one of the ‘new’ streets 80% of the residents had signed up to join MERA.
Steve answered many questions from residents. There were deep and sincere expressions of concern over absence of 100% distribution of a newsletter to all 1600 households for most of the year.
The proposal to pursue the adoption of a Colour Magazine three times a year in conjunction with MERA, for a trial period of one year, was proposed by Eric Ayers and seconded by Brenda Cutler. The Proposal went to a vote, with 18 votes for the proposal and 5 against with 4 abstentions. The motion was duly carried.
A proposal to retain the voluntary donation for membership at £2 was proposed by Sion Williams with the proviso that donations via Paypal would increase to £2.50 to cover PayPal’s admin charge of 33pence. This proposal was seconded By Mike Smith and carried unanimously
- There was a question from the floor concerning the footbridge over the railway in Church Lane which had been closed for weeks without any notice of explanation on the bridge. Cllr Andy Croy stated that the footbridge was the responsibility of Network Rail and had been closed to stabilize the footings at one end which were breaking up. The work had been expected to take place over a weekend, but this had not taken place, presumably due to engineering issues, although Network Rail had not kept the Council informed. Network Rail had been asked for a progress statement.
- There was a question from the floor concerning whether the wide pavement at in Church Road approaching Woodlands Avenue was also a cycleway. This arose because of an accident where a cyclist travelling down Woodlands Avenue on the pavement had turned left into Church Road and hit a residents car which was exiting the driveway, resulting the cyclist coming off his bike and significant damage to the residents car. Discussions elicited the fact that there was no signage to indicate the pavement was also a cycleway. Councillors Andy Croy and Shirley Boyt undertook to take the matter up with WBC Highways.
- Another question from the floor concerned the evident ongoing issue of buses using London Road and The Drive coming to a halt due to the traffic jams around Friday Prayers at the Mosque. The resident stated that the bus drivers appeared to be resigned to the issue, and there was no sign of Police presence to clear the jams. Cllr Shirley Boyt undertook to speak to WBC Highways. (New Parking signage was installed on the approach roads to the Mosque a few days later)
- Cllr Shirley Boyt updated the meeting on the result of the Whitegates Parking Survey (Hilltop Road Area Parking Survey) which had been sent to her the morning of the AGM by WBC Highways. The main points were that they had responses from 225 people, 96 % were residents. The comments and objections closely followed those reported by ACER. The next steps would be reviewing the responses by ‘The Team’, who will then produce a list of recommendations and invite businesses and residents to comment.
Those present had group and one-to-one talks with other members, friends, the committee and the Councillors.