Newsletter – Autumn 2024
AUTUMN SOCIAL EVENING – Earley Home Guard Social Club All Residents Welcome
Monday, 7th October, 2024. Doors Open 7.45pm. Start time 8pm.
Meet your Neighbours Meet the Committee.
Meet your Councillors Express your Concerns Get Your Questions Answered.
Relax in an informal setting with complementary tea, coffee and snacks… Bar open.
During the evening there will be a short formal committee meeting to which you are welcome to contribute and comment – see Agenda overleaf.
Did you miss the last Social Evening? If so, you missed an animated, but informative discussion on the traffic jams and parking problems related to the Mosque. Councillor Shahid Younis, who also attends the Mosque, fielded many of the questions from residents. He also stated that the Mosque was a victim of its own success and was attracting many more attendees than had been originally expected. The meeting was informed by a previous councillor, that when plans for the Mosque were originally submitted, the parking provision was for 70 cars and up to 500 worshipers, and that Earley Town Council had objected on the basis that the parking provision was inadequate. The plans were nevertheless approved by Wokingham Borough Council. Comments were made at the meeting that the recent double yellow lines had just relocated parked cars to different roads, resulting in allegations of inconsiderate parking including obstructing visibility when exiting driveways. Residents were reminded that such OBSTRUCTIONS should be reported to the Police. Residents were advised NOT to report these as a PARKING problem, as they would be redirected to Wokingham Borough Council who do not deal with obstructions. It was noted that, despite the double yellow lines, the junction of London Road and The Drive was still experiencing some traffic jams which were serious enough to stop the bus services. Earley Town Councillor Sheena Matthews has raised the shift in parking patterns and poor parking restriction signage with Wokingham Borough Council officials.
Volunteer stewards from the Mosque usually manage the traffic in the immediate vicinity of the Mosque, and traffic wardens often attend. Although traffic jam instances on Fridays have generally reduced, it would be useful to have advance warning of expected increase in traffic (during festivals etc) so that appropriate additional measures can be put in place. Three councillors as well as ACER are in the process of setting up meetings with the Mosque management and others to find a practical way forward that meets everyone’s concerns. Meanwhile, ACER has raised the issue with the Thames Valley Police at the Earley Neighbourhood Action Group meetings (NAG), as the Police are the only body authorised to clear traffic jams.
New Bus Lane Impact
You may well be aware of the recent surge in rat-running through Whitegates streets nearest Reading. We are aware of the Police having to attend at least twice to get traffic moving again. This extra rat-run traffic is due to the new Bus Lane leading up to Cemetery Junction from just past the railway bridge on the main A4. This is the major road for traffic entering Reading East, which has now been halved in capacity by being reduced from two lanes into one. A bus driver was reported saying that it is taking a lot longer to get to the bus lane at busy times because of the traffic jams. ACER has pointed out that in a recent Traffic Survey carried out by Reading Consultants, vehicle movement in and out of Reading East was Thirty Thousand Vehicles each day. It does seem to be incredible to halve the major road capacity as part of an improvement. ACER asked Councillors and the Police if they had been consulted or advised on the implementation of this bus lane. The NAG representatives that were asked had no knowledge of any such communication from Reading. Councillor Sheena Mattews has formally asked Earley Town Council if they as the Neighbouring Authority were consulted. She has also contacted the relevant Reading Borough Councillor for a copy of the briefing and rationale for the bus lane.
REMINDER: that both news and articles of general interest are incorporated in the new 30 page COLOUR MAGAZINE. The first issues to paid up members were very well received. Articles have included Renewable Energy installation, Canada Geese and Antisocial Behaviour. Residents in Maiden Erlegh who also receive the magazine regard it as their major benefit of joining the Residents Association. There are three issues per year and are FREE to paid-up members, i.e. included in membership donation of £2. For details of how to pay see the bottom of the page.
Speeding continues to be of high concern to many residents. The Police can now be requested to attend streets where there is particular evidence of dangerously high speeds. Where does this evidence come from? It comes from documented evidence compiled by SpeedWatch volunteers. If your street has a particular problem with speeding please consider joining SpeedWatch. Training is free and on-line. Equipment is readily available
BULMERSHE OPEN SPACE: ACER has been supporting Friends of Bulmershe Open Space (FoBOS).
- The new trees which died in the dry weather are due to be replaced this autumn.
- ·The ‘Permitted Path’ which was prone to flooding and mud between Bulmershe Park and Bulmershe Field Has been renovated thanks to the Ramblers hard work and funding from Earley Town Council.
TREE AVENUES: Missing’ tree locations in The Drive have been surveyed for new planting, subject to consultation, and ACER has asked that replacement trees are considered for Milton Road/ Erleigh Court Gardens. Further possible locations for trees on grass verges are being compiled by ACER.
Monday, 7th October 2024. 7.45 for 8pm at Earley Home Guard Social Club, 22 Pitts Lane RG6 1BT
Welcome Apologies for absence Acceptance of Minutes of the previous meeting Treasurer’s Report Matters Arising from Minutes Liaison Reports New Business | Any Other Business Including Topics from the Floor and Questions to Councillors 9..Date of next Committee Meeting Thursday 5th December? Informal socialising and discussions to take place following close of formal business. |
Please come along. All Whitegates residents welcome to attend
The current Committee has struggled to keep up with all the above activities due to vacancies for Secretary and Communications Officer in particular, but any assistance to the committee would be welcome.
ACER members currently comprise a wide age group plus members of all political and religious beliefs.
ARE YOU A MEMBER?. As well as the new colour magazine three times a year, members opt to receive updates and messages via the Acerwhitegates Google Group. Members can request appropriate advice when dealing with Council and the Police for issues affecting our community. ACER has good working relationships with our Councillors which often help bring issues to prominence and speed up resolution of issues.
ONLY £2 Annual Donation per household: There are a number of ways you can pay – cash via your street rep, contacting ACER and asking for someone to visit to collect, putting the money in an envelope with your NAME AND ADDRESS and dropping it at 21 Milton Road, or by PayPal – Please ensure your ADDRESS is in the PayPal additional info box! Please note online payments are £2.50 minimum to cover PayPal charges. A PayPal account is not needed.
ACER CONTACTS – email: Committee: Tim Marsh (Chair), George Blackmore (Vice Chair). Siôn Williams (Treasurer), Naomi Cambridge, Graham May, Neville Sibley.
Local WOKINGHAM BOROUGH COUNCILLORS: Norman Jorgensen, Stephen Newton; Andy Ng Siu-hong;
Local EARLEY TOWN COUNCILLORS: Sheila Jordan; Sheena Matthews 07766 424098, Hari;
If you have a local street representative, they are: _______________________________________ at _________________________________