Leaves and Litter
ACER has again taken the initiative to organise clearance of autumn leaves and litter in public areas including Bulmershe Field and Town Lane, the popular pedestrian and cycle route between Pitts Lane and Woodley which runs alongside Bulmershe Park.
The Autumn litter picks took place in Bulmershe Park on October 15th with the support of EASI (Earley Adopt a Street Initiative) and WASP (Woodley Adopt a Street Project).in addition to Councillors and residents.
The Town Lane leaf clearance and litter pick took place on November 26th with a follow up on 3rdth arranged by Councillors to finish Town Lane.
Litter picks and vegetation clearance are enjoyable outdoor activities where you get to know others in our community and have the opportunity to meet and talk to your councillors in an informal setting. They normally take place over two hours on a Saturday morning. Look out for notification of the next gathering, or put your name forward as a contact to Chair @acerwhitegates.org.uk.