Fruit Tree Planting in Bulmershe Park Orchard – in pouring rain!!

25 new fruit trees have been planted in the public orchard area within Bulmershe Park.  This is the first of two tree planting schemes in the park initiated by a group from ACER who set up FoBOS (Friends of Bulmershe Open Space).  

Earley Town Council and Woodley Town Council, who co-own Bulmershe Park, were pleased to support the scheme as part of Wokingham Borough Council’s tree planting initiative and agreed for trees to be planted in Bulmershe Park to enhance the existing public orchard.

Freely Fruity, a local charity who grow and provide fruit and vegetables to local communities kindly donated their own grown fruit trees to the initiative. On 21st November 2022, despite the very wet weather, Freely Fruity along with volunteers from ACER, FoBOS and Virgin Media O2 successfully carried out the planting of 25 fruit trees consisting of six species of apple trees and two species of plum trees, under the supervision and expert direction of Freely Fruity.

This success has followed the setting up of the Friends of Bulmershe Open Space (FoBOS) which includes councillors from both Earley and Woodley. The next phase has been agreed, which is to add some native trees in gaps at the edge of the park and along the fence line, to help screen buildings from park users and provide some successional tree growth to replace elderly tree stock.

If you are interested in joining FoBOS contact