
Newsletter – Summer 2019


  • Protecting our open space: ACER continues to monitor WBC plans and proposals on and next to the Bulmershe Open Space. There have been two recent Planning Applications to build on this space which has long been designated  a ‘Site Of Urban Landscape Value’ (SULV). A third proposal is for a block of flats on the edge of the open space in place of the current unobtrusive bungalow.  ACER has raised objections to all three plans on your behalf.  

ACER is concerned that there will be ongoing pressures to build on the SULV and want to change its status  by designating it ‘Local Green Space’ in the Wokingham Local Plan which would give it the protection akin to Green Belt.  ACER does not agree with removing this land from the Local Plan, as it will remain under threat from developers as we are currently experiencing.  We are working to enlist the support of Woodley Town Council and Earley Town Council to secure the future of this open land. There is a joint ETC/WTC working party on the SULV.

  • Managing Increased Car Ownership.  ACER has submitted a paper to the ‘Local Plan’, analysing the impact of car ownership and suggesting practical ways in which increased car ownership can be managed without  detriment to the character of the area.
  • Preventing unsightly development: ACER continues to monitor all Planning Applications and checks whether developments are built to approved plans as far as possible.  If there are changes in your street which look out of character, check the WBC planning website to see what should be taking place. ACER can assist members to check and take action on their behalf as required.
  • Improving public safety: ACER works closely with the Woodley and North Earley Community Forum (WANE) ( )to identify local policing priorities (currently anti-social behaviour, burglary and speeding). WANE have regular meetings open to residents at the Oakwood Centre.
  • Grass Cutting: ACER closely monitors grass cutting and has seen better management since the new contractors have taken over.  We do still chase up Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) on your behalf as necessary. 


Leave a timer operated  light on in the evenings when the house is empty when away on holiday. Don’t advertise your absence on social media .  Its not just your friends who can see your postings.  Keep windows shut when you are out and don’t leave ladders where they can be used to access upper floors.  Sheds are good sources for burglars to get tools which can be used to break into houses, so keep sheds securely locked.                                                     

Sign up at for the latest local information and advice from Thames Valley Police.

Summary Report on ACER’s ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on 27th March 2019

The full minutes and annual Officer Reports will be published on the ACER website:

Newly  Elected Officers and Executive committee members are listed at the end of this newsletter 

Membership Fees for 2019/20.                                           

 It was proposed and agreed by all present  that membership fees remain at £2 per /@household for 2019/20. 

Please note that membership fees are now due  This can be done in three ways:  i) on- line via Paypal:    or ii)  in an envelope with your name, address and e- mail  to your ACER street representative, (see bottom of newsletter)    or iii) by a collector, who will issue you with a membership card/receipt and ask  for permission to contact you via e- mail.

AGM Guest Speaker: Peter Baveystock (WBC Place Clienting and Reactive Highway Services).

Peter Baveystock stated that the green bags were supplied for householders convenience in order to keep their indoor caddy clean. It is not necessary to bag all food in the larger outdoor food bin. In answer to questions Peter stated that coffee grounds, tea bags and eggshells could go in the food waste bins.  More information on 

The food waste goes into an anaerobic digester to make fuel and  fertiliser. The aim is to increase the proportion of waste that is recycled to 26% (currently only 18% at kerbside). WBC hope to collect 1.46 kg of food waste per household per week. 

In the general discussion that followed the following points were made:

  • It is important to keep the paper in the recycling box dry. WBC are looking at ways to solve this issue. 
  • Potholes are now dealt with on an individual ‘risk’ basis. Residents should inform WBC of potholes. If they are large and in a busy 40mph road they will be deal with immediately. If in a quiet 30mph road it could take up to 28 days.
  • Street cleaning is now under the same contractors as Highways Maintenance. This should improve the way in which debris and weeds are dealt with. Residents expressed concern that streets were often not swept properly because of the parked cars – sweepers having to go down the middle of the road in many cases. WBC are looking at issuing temporary traffic suspensions in the longer term in order to give streets a thorough clean. 
  • Damaged verges – it was agreed that contractors working on house extensions caused a lot of damage to verges and that WBC should ensure that they ‘made good’ afterwards.


  • Have a representative in every street We have started to have street representatives which has proved very effective for our neighbouring Maiden Erleigh Residents Association (MERA).  All we ask is that we have someone who can tell us exactly what concerns their neighbours and someone who can deliver newsletters and other information. 
  • Improve communications through our new website,  and to do this we have a website editor just starting so that we can keep the Home page articles up-to-date 
  • Get fresh ideas from you, the residents. Contact, You would be welcome to come along to one of our committee meetings or talk to any committee meeting member
  • Take Action over Speeding  One of our committee is now signed up to borrow official speed monitoring equipment.  This can be used to provide evidence of speeding in order to introduce ‘traffic calming measures’.  Individual incidents of parking on pavements etc should be reported to the police on 101.  We are assured repeat offenders will be dealt with.

ACER CONTACTSemail: Committee:Tim Marsh (Vice Chair,Acting Chair)       Siôn Williams ( Treasurer), Eric Ayers, Mary Bather, Jenny Lissaman, Graham May, Chris Wigmore,

Local Wokingham Borough Councillors:  

Andy Croy  07793 767314;    Carl Doran  07811 157287,  Shirley Boyt   

Local Earley Town CouncillorsSheena Matthews    07766 424098 ,     Gurdeep Bhangra,,    Marion Shaw

If you have a local street representative  they are:       _______________________________________      at _________________________________