About ACER

About ACER

ACER (the Association of Central Earley Residents) was founded in 1967 to look after the interests of those residents of Earley living close to the line of the proposed A329 Motorway (now the A3290). The core membership was drawn from residents on both sides of the line (including those south of the railway line); hence the Central Earley name.

Over the 30 odd years since the completion of the motorway in the Earley 70’s the area covered by the Association has gradually shifted north as membership has fallen in some parts and residents further north have joined.

The Association became dormant in 2010 because there were insufficient volunteers to keep it running. In 2015 a number of the last-elected committee members started a revival campaign, which led to an open meeting of residents on 25 May 2016, at which there was overwhelming support for the re-establishment of the Association to cover that part of Earley bounded by the Thames to the north, the railway line to the west and south and the boundary with Woodley to the east.

The name ACER has been retained because the Association is well known across Earley and wider afield (e.g. to Wokingham and Earley councils), as well as to search engines such as Google.