
Newsletter – Autumn 2023

Dear Residents


On Monday 16th October at Earley Home Guard Social Club     7.45pm for 8pm Start

All Residents Welcome     

Meet your Neighbours 

 Meet the Committee. 

Meet your Councillors          

Express your Concerns

Get Your Questions Answered.

Relax in an informal setting with complementary tea, coffee and snacks… Bar open.

During the evening there will be a short formal committee meeting to which you are welcome to contribute and comment – Details and Agenda overleaf. 

We Listen – We Act

Before each Committee Meeting, we circulate notice of the committee meeting to everyone who has joined the ACERwhitegates Google Group and ask if any issues need to be placed on the Agenda. The discussions and actions arising are reported back. 

Any member is welcome to join our committee meetings. This may be via a zoom link, or in person if the committee meets as a group.

Culver Lane Lights Repairs finally scheduled.

Pedestrians, especially ladies travelling alone, have been worried over the poor lighting under the road bridge at the end of Culver Lane.  Judging by the vegetation and cobwebs over the covers, the two light units had not been maintained for many years. The deteriorating lighting had been reported over a year ago.  Following the failure of the last lamp, two new fittings have been purchased and one was installed on 23rd September. The second one could not be installed at the time due to a technical issue, and was re-scheduled to the 14th October.

New Double Yellow Line Proposals

Additional double yellow lines are proposed in several roads in Whitegates – see Draft Traffic Order no,1 under Traffic Regulation Orders(TRO’s) on the WBC website. Affected roads include The Drive, London Road (South), Chiltern Crescent, Whitegates Lane, Milton Road, Culver Lane, Erleigh Court Drive and Erleigh Court Gardens. The link and 6th October deadline for comments to were circulated via our ACERwhitegates Google Group.  The inevitable problem of double yellow lines is that this moves the parking problem further along and into other streets.  ACER have pointed out AGAIN that the issue of parking in streets needs to be dealt with as a whole, including addressing the causes. ACER’s analysis and suggestions can be read on the ACERWhitegates website under Roads and Traffic/ Parking Survey in Whitegates. See also ACER’s proposals for Revised Parking Standards.

Your New Colour Magazine

As voted on at the AGM, the current format of this newsletter will change for 3 out of 4 issues, to a colour magazine. The annual spring issue will remain in this format.  This is a joint venture with our neighbouring residents’ association in Maiden Erlegh, where it is has proved to be very popular. RESIDENTS WILL GET THREE COLOUR MAGAZINES PER YEAR INCLUDED IN THEIR ANNUAL DONATION OF £2. Moving to a magazine format allows longer and more varied articles.  Past issues of the magazine will be available to be seen at the Social or from committee members.

Regrettably, due to the cost of production the magazine will only be distributed to paid up members!!!!

 Neighbourhood Watch:  Following 64% of respondents to last year’s Residents Survey stating they were interested in Neighbourhood Watch, we have asked an experienced local coordinator to give a short presentation at our Social Evening.  Philip Marsh (no relation to our Chair) is Chair of the Earley Neighbourhood Action Group and an experienced NW co-ordinator. Phil gave a very interesting and informative presentation to a group of Pitts Lane residents in July.  He has been kind enough to agree to give the same presentation at our Social Evening, answer any questions and help any interested groups. Information about setting up a group can be found on A minimum of 2 members are required for each group and one person has to volunteer to be the co-ordinator.  Come along and see how easy it is and find out the benefits.


7.45 for 8pm at Earley Home Guard Social Club, Pitts Lane RG6 1BT

Welcome / Apologies for absence AOB-Topic Items from the Floor Acceptance of September Minutes Matter Arising update Liaison Reports New Business Date of Next MeetingPresentation on Neighbourhood Watch By Philip Marsh, an experienced NW Coordinator from Lower Earley.  Open Session. Topics from the Floor and Questions to Councillors The bar will remain open following the end of formalities to encourage informal conversations.

Voting Boundary Changes

Did you know that there will be changes to the three voting systems affecting Whitegates?

Parliamentary Boundary Changes.  There will be a new constituency to the east of Reading,.  We currently have the MP for Reading East, Matt Rodda as our MP. At the next General Election Whitegates will come under the proposed new constituency called Earley and Woodley. Reading East will no longer exist.

Wokingham Borough Council Ward Changes. Our current Wokingham Borough Councillors jointly represent Bulmershe, (which is in Woodley) and Whitegates (which is in Earley). A new Borough Ward called Maiden Erlegh and Whitegates is proposed, which is wholly within Earley.

Earley Town Council Wards Our current three ETC councillors exclusively represent Whitegates. No changes at the moment, but changes have been proposed to come into effect in four years time.

Path Clearance

In addition to regular litter picking events, ACER supports residents and local councillors keeping the Town Lane pedestrian and cycle route clear of undergrowth and slippery fallen leaves.  These are enjoyable community events held on Saturday mornings.  The next scheduled dates are 14th October and November 25th, 9am to 1pm. Meet at the Pitts Lane entrance, opposite 89 Pitts Lane.

ARE YOU A MEMBER?.  As well as the new colour magazine three times a year, members opt to receive updates and messages via the Acerwhitegates Google Group. Members can request appropriate advice when dealing with Council and the Police for issues affecting our community.  ACER has good working relationships with our Councillors which often help bring issues to prominence and speed up resolution of issues.

ONLY £2 Annual Donation per household: There are a number of ways you can pay – cash via your street rep, contacting ACER and asking for someone to visit to collect, putting the money in an envelope with your NAME AND ADDRESS and dropping it at 21 Milton Road, or by PayPal –  Please ensure your ADDRESS is in the PayPal additional info box!  Please note online payments are £2.50 minimum to cover PayPal charges. A PayPal account is not needed.

ACER CONTACTS email: Committee: Tim Marsh (Chair), George Blackmore (Vice Chair). Siôn Williams (Treasurer), Naomi Cambridge, Graham May, Neville Sibley.

Local WOKINGHAM BOROUGH COUNCILLORS: Andy Croy, Tony Skuse; Shahid Younis;

Local EARLEY TOWN COUNCILLORS: Sheila Jordan; Sheena Matthews 07766 424098, Hari;

If you have a local street representative, they are:       _______________________________________      at _________________________________